Archive for February, 2008

Handsome Donkey in LA Times!

Wednesday, February 27th, 2008

Hey kids!

Check out the article in the LA Times Business section about Handsome Donkey, Squeegees and the launch of Stage 9!,1,5371620.story

The Squeegees

SQUEEGEES Trailer Released!

Monday, February 25th, 2008

Hey y’all!

So the word is out. Our new web series is a comedy about high-rise window washers and it’s called “SQUEEGEES”!!! The teaser is up on our site and the full trailer should be on there shortly (otherwise click one of the links below). The series will debut any day now, so stay tuned!


Thursday, February 21st, 2008

We are proud to introduce the teaser for our new web series “SQUEEGEES” available now on our site! It’s a comedy about the wonderful world of high-rise window washing! The full trailer will follow next week, and the series will debut shortly thereafter… so buckle up!

YouTube link:

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